Meeting with women entrepreneurs in Sumgait

A meeting was held with women entrepreneurs operating in the city of Sumgayit, organized by the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (KOBİA).

The meeting, organized with the participation of approximately 60 business entities, was attended by representatives from KOBIA, the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, the State Tax Service, the State Advertising Agency, the State Employment Agency, the Food Safety Agency, the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Azerbaijan, the Association for the Development of Women Entrepreneurs in Azerbaijan, and the Executive Power of the city of Sumgait.

During the meeting conducted within the public entrepreneurship platform, various topics were addressed including the encouragement of entrepreneurial endeavors among women, enhancing access for women entrepreneurs to financial resources and marketplaces, facilitating their participation in exhibitions, and other pertinent matters. Additionally, the suggestions put forth by women entrepreneurs were attentively considered, and responses to their inquiries were provided.

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29.04.2024, 11:58 352
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