Meetings with entrepreneurs were held in Jalilabad and Goychay

During the meetings dedicated to the development of women entrepreneurship and greenhouse activities, the opinions and suggestions of entrepreneurs were heard, and subsequently their issues were addressed.

A meeting on the development of women entrepreneurship was held in the Jalilabad organized by the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (KOBİA).

Representatives of relevant government agencies and nearly 40 business entities attended the event. The meeting, organized to support women entrepreneurs, to discuss the challenges they face and potential solutions, and inform about the services provided by entities supporting entrepreneurship, facilitated an exchange of ideas between representatives of relevant organizations and women entrepreneurs. During the meeting, questions regarding the acquisition of construction permits for women entrepreneurs, support for product sales, the extension of electricity lines to agricultural enterprises, the procurement of equipment under the self-employment program, and subsidized loans were addressed, and their suggestions were heard.

In the Goychay region, a meeting was held with entrepreneurs on the topic of "Existing Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives in Greenhouse Activities." In the meeting attended by farmers from Goychay and surrounding villages and representatives of relevant entities, an information was provided about state support measures for entrepreneurs, as well as ideas on combating potential diseases in greenhouses, product sales, business financing, and other related issues were exchanged. Besides, farmers became acquainted with the activities of relevant greenhouse operations and engaged in the exchange of experiences.

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29.10.2024, 11:41 10
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