Statute on the establishment, composition, powers and activities of the Coordination Group, operating under KOBİA, approved

The powers, rights, composition and organization of activities of the Coordination Group are defined by the Statute approved by the decision. Pursuant to the Statute, the Coordination Group is a permanent collegial body made up of representatives of state bodies (institutions) established under the Agency to coordinate activities in the field of development of micro, small and medium entrepreneurship, ensure effective coordination and efficiency between the state bodies (institutions) represented in the Coordination Group and the Agency in small and medium business houses (hereinafter - SMB houses). The Coordination Group is comprised of the heads of structural divisions of state bodies (institutions) that provide services in SMB houses in accordance with the "The list of services provided to micro, small and medium business entities in small and medium business houses" approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Upon the adoption of the decision, effective coordination between the state bodies (instutitions) represented in the Coordination Group and the Agency during the provision of services to the business entities in the SMB houses will be ensured, and the complaints received from the business entities regarding the action or inaction of the representative of the state body (instutition) represented in the SMB houses will be promptly reviewed at the meetings of the Coordination Group. 


Furthermore, upon the adoption of the decision, within the scope of the activities of the Coordination Group, development of relevant proposals for the identification of priority areas and support methods for the development of micro, small and medium enterprises, initiatives aimed at the implementation of support measures in this field, as well as discussions on the improvement of services provided to micro, small and medium business entities (simplification or cancellation of the services or any procedure of the service), and development of recommendations in this respect will be performed.

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