(1 xidmət)
Issuance of a license, its duplicate and supplement, reissuance, suspension, restoration or cancellation of a license and permit
(4 xidmət)
Restoration of the activity of an individual
Online registration of commercial legal entities
Resumption of activities of a legal entity
Checking the uniqueness of the name of a commercial legal entity
(2 xidmət)
Application for placing advertising in open space
Calculation of state duty and publication fee
Online payments
Information on food safety registration of Food Business Entities
Obtaining an auditor name
Permission to perform auditing activities
Obtaining information about the Electronic Customs Declaration
Issuance of a cultural heritage protection certificate for the export of cultural heritage
Management of Operator's applications, documents and cards for international transportation of vehicles
Application for award of a badge of distinction
Hesab açılması
QR and Link Payment